Automotive Photography by Deremer Studios, LLC



Unimat, a leading manufacturer in unimat traffic safety solutions, has been revolutionizing road safety with its innovative products. From speed bumps and humps to cable protector ramps, Unimat is committed to enhancing safety for motorists, pedestrians, and property alike. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of Unimat Traffic solutions, focusing on its key offerings such as speed bumps, cable protector ramps, parking blocks, wheel stops, and rubber corner guards.

Unimat Traffic Solutions: Speed Bumps and Humps

Speeding is a prevalent issue on roads worldwide, posing significant risks to road users and nearby residents. Unimat’s speed bumps and humps serve as effective traffic calming measures, encouraging drivers to slow down and adhere to speed limits. These traffic calming devices are strategically designed to minimize vehicle speed while ensuring a smooth passage for emergency vehicles and bicycles.

Constructed from durable materials such as recycled rubber, Unimat’s speed bumps and humps are resilient to varying weather conditions and heavy traffic. Their high-visibility yellow markings enhance visibility, alerting drivers well in advance. Additionally, the modular design allows for easy installation and customization according to specific road requirements.

Cable Protector Ramps: Safeguarding Infrastructure

Unimat’s cable protector ramps play a crucial role in safeguarding cables, hoses, and wires across roadways, construction sites, and event venues. These ramps not only prevent tripping hazards but also shield delicate cables from vehicular damage, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity and safety for both pedestrians and vehicles.

Manufactured from premium-grade rubber, Unimat’s cable protector ramps offer superior durability and resistance to heavy loads. The non-slip surface provides traction for vehicles and pedestrians, reducing the risk of accidents. With customizable configurations and sizes, these ramps accommodate various cable diameters and layouts, making them a versatile solution for diverse applications.

Parking Blocks and Wheel Stops: Optimal Parking Management

Proper parking management is essential for maximizing parking space utilization and preventing unauthorized parking. Unimat’s parking blocks and wheel stops serve as effective parking delineators, guiding drivers to park within designated areas while protecting surrounding infrastructure.

Crafted from high-quality rubber, Unimat’s parking blocks and wheel stops withstand prolonged exposure to vehicle impact and harsh weather conditions. The bright yellow reflective stripes enhance visibility, especially in low-light conditions, preventing accidental collisions and property damage. With easy installation and maintenance, these parking solutions offer long-term reliability and cost-effectiveness for parking facilities.

Rubber Corner Guards: Protecting Property and Vehicles

Vehicular collisions can cause significant damage to buildings, walls, and vehicles, posing safety hazards and financial liabilities. Unimat’s rubber corner guards provide a reliable solution for protecting corners and edges from impact damage, minimizing repair costs and ensuring structural integrity.

Designed to absorb and disperse impact force, Unimat’s rubber corner guards effectively cushion vehicle collisions, reducing the risk of property damage and personal injury. The highly visible yellow and black markings serve as a visual cue for drivers, preventing accidental impacts and improving overall safety in parking lots, garages, and warehouses.


Unimat’s comprehensive range of traffic safety solutions, including speed bumps and humps, cable protector ramps, parking blocks, wheel stops, and rubber corner guards, play a vital role in enhancing road safety and protecting property and infrastructure. With their durable construction, easy installation, and customizable options, Unimat Traffic solutions offer cost-effective and reliable solutions for addressing various traffic management challenges. By prioritizing safety and efficiency, Unimat continues to pave the way for safer roads and communities worldwide.

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